Leadership Schuyler 2006-2007
Providing opportunities for developing and enhancing leadership skills.
SCOPED, Schuyler County Chamber of Commerce, and Corning Community College are seeking program candidates who live or work in Schuyler County and are interested in developing their skills and knowledge of community issues, as well as in pursuing leadership roles in their community and career. Candidates must complete an application form and provide two reference forms to be reviewed by the Leadership Schuyler Advisory Committee. A maximum of twenty-five individuals, representing a cross-section of the community will be selected to participate in the program. Leadership Schuyler begins with a mandatory full-day orientation session. The remainder of the program will include 13 two-and one-half hour sessions and a commencement ceremony. To graduate from Leadership Schuyler, the participant must attend at least11 full sessions of the 13 offered, along with the mandatory orientation. Tuition is $400 before September 1st and $425 after September 1st for Schuyler County residents or anyone employed in Schuyler County. The fee covers the cost of tuition, materials, supplies, meals and refreshments. This fee may be paid by the participant, sponsoring businessor a combination of the two. Leadership Schuyler begins its sixth year this fall.
If you are interested contact SCOPED at 535-4341, Chamber at 535-4300 or visit the website at www.leadershipschuyler.com. The website has the program schedule, past graduates, alumni newsletter and other important information. Sponsored by: SCOPED Schuyler County Chamber of Commerce, Corning Community College
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